






① ガイドの言語は原則として英語となります。他の言語はお問い合わせください。ご希望に添えないことがあります。

② 当協会は外国語ガイド(以下ガイドという)を希望する旅行者(以下依頼者という)の求めに応じて、ガイドを紹介するものです。あくまで、ガイドへの連絡仲介をするのみであって、ガイドサービス自体を提供するものではございません。また、ガイドの紹介にあたって当協会に対する紹介料は必要ございません。

③ 依頼者は、当協会が紹介したガイドとの間で、希望する観光内容やガイド料金等の詳細な条件について直接打合せをしていただき、当事者間の責  任においてすべて決定していただきます。また、条件が折り合わなかった場合にその旨のお申し出があれば、当協会は他のガイドを紹介するように努めます。

④ 当協会が依頼者の希望により紹介するガイドや、その決定した内容及び提供されたサービスについて一切の責任を負いかねます。





手 順             内  容
STEP 1依頼者⇒ガイド紹介希望カードを入力し、担当部署へメール添付又はFAX
STEP 2茨城県観光物産協会 ⇒ 協会にて希望内容に応じたガイドを選定して、依頼者へ連絡
STEP 3依頼者 ⇒ ガイドと直接連絡を取り合い、諸条件を打ち合わせる
STEP 4成約の場合 ⇒ ガイドツアー実施へ
不成立の場合 ⇒ 再度ガイド紹介希望を協会へ依頼又は別の組織に依頼する




[Introduction of Foreign Language Guide Referral Services for Tourism within Ibaraki Prefecture]

 The Ibaraki Tourism and Products Association (hereinafter referred to as ‘the Association’) has been entrusted with the task of ‘Foreign Language Guide Development’ as a commissioned project of the Ibaraki Prefecture Tourism International Division since 2021. We are delighted to announce a new service that provides foreign language guides to tourists. This service is tailored for visitors who seek guidance from individuals with specific skills acquired through guide training for this project and who actively participate in tourism as guides. The primary objective of this service is to enhance the convenience of foreign tourists, mainly inbound tourists, while also revitalizing local communities.

<Terms and conditions of referral services>

① The guide services are in English, which is our primary language. However, we kindly ask that you make inquiries regarding other languages, and we will do our best to accommodate your request, although we may not be able to fulfill all requests

② Our association provides a referral service for travelers (hereafter referred to as “requesters”) seeking foreign language guides (hereafter referred to as “guides”). Please note that we facilitate communication between the requester and the guide and do not provide guide services directly. Additionally, no referral fee is required for guide referrals made through our association.

③ Requesters must discuss terms such as activities and fees directly with the referred guide. Decisions are made between the parties involved. If terms cannot be agreed upon, our association will refer to another guide.

Our association cannot be held responsible for any guides we refer to the requester nor for the decisions made or services provided by them.


Guide Referral Request Form


手 順             内  容
STEP 1 Requester ⇒ Fill in the guide introduction request card and email or fax it to the department in charge.
STEP2 Ibaraki Tourism and Products Association ⇒ The association selects a guide according to the desired content and contacts the client.
STEP3 Client ⇒ Contact the guide directly and discuss various conditions.
STEP4In the case of a successful arrangement⇒, the guided tour is implemented.
In case of no agreement ⇒you can either request another guide introduction to the association or reject the contract.

Application Mail to :inbound@ibarakiguide.info

           FAX : 029-221-9791